Temptation After Elevation
A period of intense spiritual growth or spiritual elevation can occur many times throughout your lifetime. To become spiritually elevated seem like a really amazing experience. Well, that is until your actual growing through it. (Ha. See what I did there?)
Spiritual growth itself can often be painful, overwhelming and scary. Things shift and change and life as you’ve known it becomes hardly recognizable. However; once you’ve broken through those barriers that had been holding you back, you then begin to soar.
Suddenly, life seems to just flow and things begin to seamlessly fall into place. You may feel rejuvenated; lighter than you’ve felt in a long time. The signs and synchronicities are bold and frequent; leaving you with the motivation to take on world. This is what I like to call extra-ordinary time.
So what’s wrong with that? You might ask. Well, the problem is that often times extra-ordinary time causes one to assume that this state of bliss is how life will be from this point on; because of the spiritual growth or elevation they’ve made. However; the reality is that we must shift back to our new upgraded version of ordinary time. Otherwise, we will grow so complacent with the highs that they will no longer hold their value and/or they cause our lows to appear to be much lower.
The shift back to ordinary time is when you are being tested and asked to choose. This is what I referred to as ‘The Temptation After Elevation.’ The choice being, will you fall back into your old patterns or outdated cycles of your life? Or, will you choose learn from the lessons and insight that you gained from your spiritual growth and extra-ordinary time? The good news is that by understanding this concept it helps you to make sense of this shift. Instead of leaving you unsure or wondering if you’ve done something wrong.
This is not to say that you shouldn’t embrace every moment spent in extra-ordinary time. Nor, should you anticipate the rug being pulled from beneath you either. Extra-ordinary time is a special time of expansion; a reward if you will, for a job well done and a sure sign that transformation and growth has occurred in your life. It’s a reminder to have faith in God. That despite all of the downpours life can rain down on you; the sun is sure to rise once again.
So, for those of you going through ‘The Temptation After Elevation,’ there is hope. Through your greater understanding of this process; relying on the knowledge and insight that you’ve gained from your spiritual growth; and leaning on the hope, faith, love and reassurance you received during extra-ordinary time. The shift to into your new upgraded version of ordinary time is sure to be smooth sailing.
Wishing you all the best, God Bless!