The Uncomfortableness Change

Open yourself to the belief that you are in fact worthy of amazing things and that you do deserve to receive all that you want and hope for out of this life. It’s time to start listening to your friends when they tell you how wonderful you are.

Think about it… How many times have you see the greatest or potential in someone, yet they can’t seem to see or accept that in themselves? Sometimes, others can see us better than we can see ourselves. So, what if you made the decision to start listening? How would your life improve? What changes would that believe in yourself make in your life?

Many times what holds us back is our lack of vision. It’s easy to fear what we can’t see. So, we often shield ourselves in the comfort of what we know so that we can feel safe and protected. Yet, there we find ourselves repeating the same old patterns and cycles while longing for change.

CHANGE IS UNCOMFORTABLE, because it’s unfamiliar, so Spirit says, “Let the uncomfortableness of change be your sign of growth.” If your uncomfortable that means you’re growing!

You’ve got to quit listening to that voice inside that says tells you that you’re not enough or that you’re not ready to have the life that you desire. You’ve got to make the decision to stop making excuses in order to avoid change and give yourself permission to feel vulnerable and be uncomfortable.

So ask yourself, what do my friends see in me that I haven’t seen in myself? What cycles have I tirelessly been repeating? What small change can I make today that would make a difference?

Above all remember that you are strong, you are brave, you are unique, you are loved and you are worthy of all that you desire! You deserve so much more out of life! It starts with believing that and allowing yourself to be a little uncomfortable.

God bless! - LA


Who Are You?


Ground Yourself